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Thursday, August 1, 2024

[Japanese Sweet] Mango Paste Dorayaki

 Ataya ~ "Hi there !! I made a lot of mango paste and have to find the way to eat it. So I decided to make a Japanese classic sweet, Dorayaki filling with my mango paste. Let's see .."

1. Gathering all ingredients. As describe below.

  • Wheat Flour (小麦粉) 1 cup ~10 Baht
  • Egg(タマゴ) 2 eggs ~ 10 Baht 
  • Honey(蜂蜜)1 teaspoon ~ 2 Baht
  • Baking Soda(重曹) 1 teaspoon ~ 1 Baht
  • Mango Paste (マンゴーペースト) 1 cup ~ 10 Baht
  • Rice Bran Oil (米ぬか油) 2-3 table spoons ~ 3 Baht
  • Seasoning(調味料)[Salt(),Sugar(砂糖)] ~  5 Baht

Total cost = 41 Baht


2. First, mixing eggs with salt and sugar.


 3. Mix wheat flour with baking soda and add into the egg.


4. Then add about 1 teaspoon of honey.


5. After mixing everything together, then keep the liquid in refrigerator for about 30 minutes. 


 6. Warming up frypan using low heat then frying the pancake.


7. After bubbles came up then it's time to flip the pancake and wait for about 10 seconds then put it up from the pan.


 8. Stack them !!


9. Put mango paste on the light color side of the pancake

10. Put another pancake on the fist one to make a dorayaki shape. 

11. Finally you got the Mango Paste Dorayaki !! Itadakimasu !!