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Monday, August 1, 2022

Bacon Egg Bread

 Ataya ~ "Hi there !! It's picnic time. I will show you the simple recipe of Bacon Egg Bread. Let's see... "

1. Gathering all ingredients. As describe below.

  • Bacon (ベーコン) 20 gram ~30 Baht
  • Egg   ( ) 1 eggs ~ 3 Baht
  • Bread (パン) 3 slices ~ 10 Baht
  • Olive Oil(オリーブオイル) 2-3 tea spoons ~ 2 Baht
  • Seasoning(調味料)[Salt(), Pepper(ペッパー),Mayonnaise  (マヨネーズ),tomato sauce(トマトソース)] ~  5 Baht

Total cost = 50 Baht


2. First, grill bacon with low heat on frypan.


3. Mixing egg with little bit of salt and pepper.


4. Place grilled bacon on top of the bread.


5. Folding them up. Seal the bacon inside.

6. Soak the bread with egg and fry them in hot olive oil.

7. Just when the egg turned brown then it was done. Enjoy !!