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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Royal Sweet Pork

Ataya ~ "Hi there !! After watching 'Praay Jawuck ' Thai drama, I got a new recipe the Royal Sweet Pork, the menu that was eaten for dropping the spiciness of other dishes. Usually cooked in Thai Royal kitchen but it's so simple. Let's see ..."

1. Gathering all ingredients.As describe below.
  • Streaky Pork (腹豚肉) about 200 gram ~ 30 Baht
  • Coconut Sugar (ココナッツシュガー) 4-5 table spoons ~ 20 Baht
  • Seasoning(調味料)[Fish Sauce(ナムプラー)] ~  2 Baht
Total cost = 52 Baht

2. Cut streaky pork into little pieces.

3. Warming up little bit of water and add coconut sugar into a pan.

4. Keep boiling until sugar turned to caramelise. 

 5. Then add fish sauce into it.

6. When you smelled the aroma of fish sauce then add streaky pork into the sauce.

7. Stir them well until the pork was done.

8. That is !! Now you got the Royal Sweet Pork to be eaten with the others menu.

9. You can eat it with spicy food like Nam Prick or Khaw Klook Krapi.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Easy Pork Stew

Ataya ~ "Hello There , Today I would like to eat something soft. So, I decided to cook an easy pork stew. Let's see ..."

1. Gathering all ingredients.As describe below.
  • Streaky Pork (腹豚肉) about 500 gram ~ 60 Baht
  • Garlic (ニンニク) 3-4 garlics ~ 3 Baht
  • Red Onion (赤タマネギ) 3-4 onions ~ 3 Baht
  • Potato (じゃがいも) 1 potato ~ 5 Baht
  • Carrot (にんじん) 1/3 carrot ~ 10 Baht
  • Seasoning(調味料)[Salt(塩),Soy Sauce(醤油),Oyster Sauce(オイスターソース), Sesame Oil(胡麻油),Masala Powder(マサラパウダー), Pepper(胡椒)] ~  5 Baht
Total cost = 86 Baht

2. Warming up cooking oil and add red onions+ garlics.

3. Then add pork into the pan.

4. Just wait until pork's color turned little bit brown.

5. Pour water into the pan. Add potato, carrot and keep boiling them.

6. Add all seasoning.  Get bubbles out from the surface sometimes.

7. Find something to close the pan. Pour water more if it dried. Wait about 30-60 minutes.

8. And this is it !! Enjoy your first easy pork stew!! Yum Yum