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Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Rice Bread

 Ataya ~ "Hi there !! I just found a recipe about making bread by using rice. So, I tried making it and I will show you the process. It's texture not quite like the normal wheat flour bread but I think it can possibly replaceable for people who may allergy to the wheat. Let's see...  "

1. Gathering all ingredients. As describe below.

  • Rice (お米) 1 cup ~5 Baht
  • Rice Bran Oil (米ぬか油) 2-3 table spoons ~ 3 Baht
  • Instant Yeast(インスタントイースト) 1 teaspoon ~ 1 Baht
  • Baking Powder(ベーキングパウダー) 1 teaspoon ~ 1 Baht
  • Seasoning(調味料)[Salt(),Sugar(砂糖)] ~  5 Baht

Total cost = 15 Baht

2.First soaking rice in drinking water for about one night.


2. Then put wet rice into the blender. Add sugar,salt,instant yeast,baking powder and rice bran oil.

3. Blending time !!


4. Blending until you got the smoothie that smooth like a butter.


5. Put the smoothie into the bread mold and wait about 1-2 hours.

6. Then put them in air fryer. Pour little bit of water over the top. Using 160 Celsius baking them for about 10 minutes and then set to 220 Celsius and baking about 5-8 minutes or until you got the brown surface bread.


7. Finally you got the Rice Bread !! Enjoy !! (I suggest you to eat it while it's warm or it will get harder when it got cool and not fluffy as when it was just bring from the oven)


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