Ataya ~ "Hi There !! It's time to stay safe, stay home. Let's do some healthy recipe. Vermicelli Chicken Baked !! Let's see ..."
1. Gathering all ingredients.As describe below.
- Chicken breast (鶏の胸肉) 1 pack ~ 40 Baht
- Chicken Sausage (ソーセージ) 2 sausages ~ 10 Baht
- Vermicelli (春雨) 1 Pack ~ 20 Baht
- Garlic (にんにく) 2-3 cloves ~ 3 Baht
- Thai Coriander(パクチー) 2-3 corianders ~ 3 Baht
- Spring Onion (ねぎ) 2-3 spring onions ~ 3 Baht
- Celery (セロリ) 1-2 celeries ~ 1 Baht
- Seasoning(調味料)[salt(塩),pepper(胡椒), soy sauce(醤油),oyster sauce(オイスターソース),ginger powder(ジンジャー・パウダー)] ~ 10 Baht
Total cost = 90 Baht
2. First, smash 3 friends: Garlic, Thai
Coriander root , Pepper
3. Add little bit of cooking oil into a pot then put smashed things and a clove of garlic into it. Just fry them for a good smell.
Then add Chicken Sausage.
5. Put soak vermicelli in a pot then add all seasoning and mix them well.
6. Put chicken breast on top. Pour little bit of water and close the lid.
7. Bake them about 5-8 minutes.
8. All veggies on top.
9. That is !! Enjoy your healthy Vermicelli Chicken Baked !!