1. Gathering all ingredients.As describe below
- Tofu (豆腐) 1/2 pack ~50 Yen
- Minced chicken meat (鶏肉) 100-150 gram ~ 50 Yen
- Shitake mushroom(椎茸)2-3 mushroom ~ 30 Yen
- Chinese cabbage(白菜) 300 gram ~ 100 Yen
- Onion (玉葱) about 10 gram ~ 10 Yen
- Spring onion(ネギ) about 1 spring onion ~ 2 Yen
- Garlic(にんにく) 2-3 cloves ~ 10 Yen
- Seasoning(調味料)[salt(塩), pepper(コショウ), fish sauce(ナムプラー), Chicken base soup(がらスープ)] ~ 20 Yen
2. Heat up fry pan. Add little bit of oil and salt then try minced garlic until it's colour turn to yellow. Keep the fried garlic for doing topping.
3. Make minced chicken meat to be meat balls. Fry them well...
4. Add water, onion,little bit of salt and keep boiling them.
5. When water getting heat then add all veggies ...
6. Now do a seasoning. Add fish sauce, chicken base soup, pepper.
7. Keep boiling until all veggies turn to be soften. then add Tofu(Tofu is easily getting break into little pieces that why it must be add in the last process) . Keep boiling for a while ...
8.Put all into a bowl. Topping with fried garlic and spring onion and it was done ... Yummy !!