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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

[Thai Food] India Style Thai Curry

 Ataya ~"Hi there !! Today I will show you an India inspired Thai curry. Because it using just only dried spices just like in India's curry but In Thailand we eat this type of curry with Ajad(Cucumber in vinegar salad) Let's see ... "

1. Gathering all ingredients.As describe below.

For Curry ->

  • Pork belly (豚バラ肉) about 200 gram ~ 40 Baht
  • All dried spices(乾燥スパイス) [turmeric powder,ginger powder,cinamon powder,caraway,cardamom,coriander seed,dried chilli]  ~ 20 Baht
  • Red Onion(赤タマネギ) Big size for 2 onions ~ 5 Baht
  • Thai long green eggplant (長緑ナス) 1 eggplant ~ 10 Baht
  • Coconut Milk (ココナツミルク) 250 ml ~ 20 Baht 
  • Rice Bran Oil(米ぬか油) 2 table spoons ~ 2 Baht
  • Seasoning(調味料)[Salt(),Fish Sauce(ナムプラー),palm sugar(パームシュガー)] ~  3 Baht

For Ajad -> 

  • Cucumber  (胡瓜) about 2 cucumber ~ 5 Baht
  • Red Onion(赤タマネギ) small size about 2 onions ~ 3 Baht
  • Fresh Chili (唐辛子)  about 3-4 chili ~ 2 Baht
  • Fresh Coriander(パクチー) about 2-3 leaves ~ 1 Baht
  • Vinegar (酢) about 2-3 table spoons ~ 2 Baht
  • Seasoning(調味料)[Salt(),palm sugar(パームシュガー)] ~  3 Baht

Total cost = 116 Baht

2. First making curry paste by smash every dried spices in mortar.

3. Frying all smashed spices with rice bran oil by low heat.

4. When you can smell all spices aroma then it is the time to add coconut milk and stir them well


5. Add belly pork and keep stir them.

6. Then add long green eggplant and red onions.

7. seasoning with palm sugar.


8. Add saltiness and Umami with fish sauce.

9. Put curry into your pot. Topping with leftover coconut milk. The curry was done !!

10. Next making Ajad by slicing cucumber, red onions and fresh chili into a bowl.


11. Mix palm sugar,salt and vinegar with hot water. When it was cool down then pour the liquid into the veggies. Keep it cool in regenerator for about 20-30 minutes before serve.

12. Now you got India Style Thai curry with Ajad !! Aroi Mak Mak !!