Ataya ~ "Hi there !! Today I will show the simple White sauce(Bechamel sauce). Easy to make and can be use for other western dish recipes. Let's see"
1. Gathering all ingredients.As describe below.
- Milk (牛乳) 200 gram ~ 10 Baht
- Butter (バター) 1-2 table spoons ~ 10 Baht
- Plain Flour (小麦粉) 1-2 table spoons ~ 5 Baht
- Seasoning(調味料)[Salt(塩),Pepper(胡椒)),Black Paper(黒コショウ),Clove(クローブ) ] ~ 3 Baht
Total cost = 28 Baht
2. First, Melting the butter.
3. Then add plain flour and stir them well.
4. Next add milk and all seasoning and herbs.
5. Keep stir them until the sauce is thick enough.Just like this
6. Take clove and black pepper out. The simple white sauce was ready to use !! Enjoy
Next recipe , White Sauce Pasta !!