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Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Homemade Spanish Omelette

Ataya ~ "Hi there !! Today I will show you how to make a Spanish Omelette. Very easy to make. Let's see ..."

1. Gathering all ingredients. As describe below.

  • Egg (たまご) 2 eggs ~10 Baht
  • Potato   (じゃがいも ) 1-2 potatoes ~ 20 Baht
  • Onion (タマネギ) 1 onion ~ 5 Baht
  • Seasoning(調味料)[Salt(),Pepper(胡椒))] ~  3 Baht

Total cost = 38 Baht



2. First slicing potatoes and onion.


3. Fry onion with hot cooking oil.


4. Next fry the potatoes until it turned soft then turn off the heat.

5. Mixing egg with salt and pepper.


6. Wait until fried potato and onion getting cooler.


7. Then put them in to egg and wait for about 10 minutes.


8. Next fry the omelette.


9. Flip it !!


10. Finally you got it !! the Spanish Omelette !!