1. Gathering all ingredients.As describe belo
- Banana (バナナ) 20-30 bananas 20 Baht
- Honey (蜂蜜) 1/2 cup 10 Baht
2. Peel off bananas and arrange them on the tray. Place the tray outside when it's sunshine day and be careful about ant and bee. When sun set, just keep it inside your house.
3. Next day, flip bananas and keep doing sun bath ...
4. Next day, flip banana again and keep doing sun bath ... It's color will turn to be brown. That is a good sign.
5. At 3rd night, smash bananas to make it's shape more flat and paint it with honey ...
6. Last day, do one more day for sun bath...
7. That is. Now you can enjoy the Solar Banana !! Yummy !!